Phishing Quiz
Phishing Quiz
Test how easily you can be phished! Take our quick phishing awareness quiz and discover whether you could survive a phishing attack.
Try our free Phishing Quiz
This is a quick 10-question quiz to test your knowledge and understanding of basic phishing techniques. Simply click on what you think is the correct answer. We’ll give you the answers to each question after so you can see how you’ve scored.
Book a phishing quiz for your employees
When it comes to internet safety, your employees are your first line of virtual defence. Human error can take down even the most impressive security setup so it’s important to check how strong your shield is.
Simulation testing and phishing quizzes can help you understand which of your employees are a risk to your network, signposting the ones that are most vulnerable to phishing attacks.
Our Click-Prone® Test and expert security awareness training will improve your staff’s phishing knowledge and can help protect your business from harmful phishing attempts.